Purchasing additional non-winning designs

Please select your contest winner

If you would like to purchase additional non-winning designs, please proceed with selecting your winner as usual.  

Contact the Designer of the other logo(s)

Once the contest winner has been selected, you can contact the Designer of the additional logo(s) that you are interested in purchasing.  You can contact them directly by visiting their profile and clicking the Send Message button.  To visit their profile you can keep clicking on the designer's name until you reach their profile.

A simple message requesting pricing for a specific entry number is all that's needed.  Once a price has been aranged you can work on the additional logos and payments directly on the site through our 1-on-1 Projects platform.

Please Contact Support if you require any assistance with purchasing an additional logo.  We would be glad to help.

Please make sure purchases of any additional logos are made after the contest. Designers have been instructed not to offer deals during a contest. 

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